"I won't regret

Because you can grow

dirt used to be"

--Kate Nash

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Out of the blackness

Show week is FINALLY over. I have been wearing all black for a solid week and it is depressing. Also, show week is incredibly exhausting. Yeah, yeah, you all think you know what a busy week is like, but until you're at the school 16 hours a day and you consider an 8-hour day a "half-day" you don't know jack.

Evita was worth every minute.

Wow, this school is amazing. The people here are so talented and the production value is the best I have EVER seen for a college. WOW....just...wow.

Unfortunately my social life has been tossed aside this month, consumed by this monstrosity we call theater.

I did, however, get a bit of a "show crush."

The guy playing Peron seemed normal and very nice when I first met him, but I didn't think twice about him....Until he started to sing.

I COULD NOT get over it.

I felt like I was talking to a celebrity every time I spoke to him, and so of course, I was too awkward to be at all charming.

I got to powder his face at intermission. We're officially facebook friends. Swoon.

I think the crush will probably fade with my memory of this beast of a show and all it's hellacious quick changes.

But it was fun while it lasted.

And tonight Tour Guide texted me. He wants to hang out this week.

And here I am with nothing to do.

He offered me a possible gig doing make-up for a vampire movie.

Perfect timing.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Boys that will NEVER love you

Some boys will never love you. There's no telling why or why not. It's probably not you, it's them...No it's you, but no matter what you do, it won't change anything. Even if you:

Listen to only indie music
Watch foreign films
Scour ESPN for football stats
Rock at improv
Lose 10 pounds
Lose 15 pounds
Put out
Dye your hair
Get a new shirt
Become a vegetarian
Take up cynicism
Read all the right books
Win an award
Hit on him when you're drunk
Makeout with him
Give it time
Buy him stuff
Invent a life together in your head



That's just the way it works. There are a few guys I could name (but won't) who will never love me, and I just have to remind myself that that's okay, because there is NOTHING I can do about it.

And when the right one comes along, I won't have to try so hard, because he won't care about that list up there....he'll just care about me.

So don't waste your time trying to be all that you're not meant to be. If they don't like you now, they won't like you because you forced yourself to enjoy the WWE Smackdown.

Their loss.


Monday, November 1, 2010

Reader Beware

You're in for a SCARE!

Oh, the old Goosebumps book series slogan....those were the days.

The days when I wasn't making a total fool of myself.

So you know how my last post was all about how much I love my life? Well, I decided to imbibe copious amounts of alchohol in celebration of that and it wasn't pretty.

It was a Halloween Party, and yeah, you're allowed a little craziness, but I am TOO OLD for these shenanigans.

There I was, playing beer pong, flirting with two dudes in Star Trek costumes (I know, right?) and then all of a sudden....WHAMMY! I'm not drunk, I'm wasted.

It really snuck up on me.

I had been talking to the guy in the blue Star Trek shirt all night, we'll call him Blue, not because I'm trying to disguise his name, because that's what I called him all night and I don't even KNOW his name. Anyway, I think we were hitting it off but then I go and blow it.

Apparently at one point in the night I was looking for a chair and I plopped down on him like an old sofa. Not in cute, flirty way, in the most uncomfortable, drunken way possible.

Why do I always shoot myself in the foot?

Just when I think I have it together I have to go off and prove I at least USED to be a mess.

Who was I kidding with this new and improved Tricia? Sometimes I wonder if I'm really that person or just pretending.

I FELL ASLEEP standing up at the party.

Ugh. I was very, very, I mean I-think-I'm-going-to-die sick on Sunday.

That's it. I'm not 21 anymore. It's time I started acting my age.

Why does 24-year-old Tricia feel so LAME, though?

Or, even worse, like a sad spinster?

Luckily my friends drove me home and I didn't make out with anyone.

Small blessings, I guess.

This Halloween was truly terrifying.