"I won't regret

Because you can grow

dirt used to be"

--Kate Nash

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Out of the blackness

Show week is FINALLY over. I have been wearing all black for a solid week and it is depressing. Also, show week is incredibly exhausting. Yeah, yeah, you all think you know what a busy week is like, but until you're at the school 16 hours a day and you consider an 8-hour day a "half-day" you don't know jack.

Evita was worth every minute.

Wow, this school is amazing. The people here are so talented and the production value is the best I have EVER seen for a college. WOW....just...wow.

Unfortunately my social life has been tossed aside this month, consumed by this monstrosity we call theater.

I did, however, get a bit of a "show crush."

The guy playing Peron seemed normal and very nice when I first met him, but I didn't think twice about him....Until he started to sing.

I COULD NOT get over it.

I felt like I was talking to a celebrity every time I spoke to him, and so of course, I was too awkward to be at all charming.

I got to powder his face at intermission. We're officially facebook friends. Swoon.

I think the crush will probably fade with my memory of this beast of a show and all it's hellacious quick changes.

But it was fun while it lasted.

And tonight Tour Guide texted me. He wants to hang out this week.

And here I am with nothing to do.

He offered me a possible gig doing make-up for a vampire movie.

Perfect timing.

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