"I won't regret

Because you can grow

dirt used to be"

--Kate Nash

Monday, November 1, 2010

Reader Beware

You're in for a SCARE!

Oh, the old Goosebumps book series slogan....those were the days.

The days when I wasn't making a total fool of myself.

So you know how my last post was all about how much I love my life? Well, I decided to imbibe copious amounts of alchohol in celebration of that and it wasn't pretty.

It was a Halloween Party, and yeah, you're allowed a little craziness, but I am TOO OLD for these shenanigans.

There I was, playing beer pong, flirting with two dudes in Star Trek costumes (I know, right?) and then all of a sudden....WHAMMY! I'm not drunk, I'm wasted.

It really snuck up on me.

I had been talking to the guy in the blue Star Trek shirt all night, we'll call him Blue, not because I'm trying to disguise his name, because that's what I called him all night and I don't even KNOW his name. Anyway, I think we were hitting it off but then I go and blow it.

Apparently at one point in the night I was looking for a chair and I plopped down on him like an old sofa. Not in cute, flirty way, in the most uncomfortable, drunken way possible.

Why do I always shoot myself in the foot?

Just when I think I have it together I have to go off and prove I at least USED to be a mess.

Who was I kidding with this new and improved Tricia? Sometimes I wonder if I'm really that person or just pretending.

I FELL ASLEEP standing up at the party.

Ugh. I was very, very, I mean I-think-I'm-going-to-die sick on Sunday.

That's it. I'm not 21 anymore. It's time I started acting my age.

Why does 24-year-old Tricia feel so LAME, though?

Or, even worse, like a sad spinster?

Luckily my friends drove me home and I didn't make out with anyone.

Small blessings, I guess.

This Halloween was truly terrifying.

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