"I won't regret

Because you can grow

dirt used to be"

--Kate Nash

Monday, April 25, 2011

When It Rains, It Pours

It's been raining non-stop here in Cinci. Terrible thunderstorms that wake even a heavy sleeper such as myself and make the walk to school precarious. I'm always looking to the sky trying to anticipate the next monsoon.

And so it is with my dating life. No light sprinkle, or full days of sunshine; but clouds and sudden downpours.

I have less than a month left in Ohio, and it seems everyone and their dog wants some of my time.

Last week was show week, so I had to politely defer two guys who were messaging and texting me with a "Sure thing....Next week."
What I really meant: I don't have time for this.

I have WORK to do. I love it. Against all odds I got the Graduate Assistant position for next year and a Mainstage design so I am quite busy with my modicum of success.

Law School wants to non-hypothetically come to visit me while I'm in Utah. We even discussed dates, and he was looking at plane tickets....

Remember that I'd given up dating? Why is everyone making it so difficult for me to stick to that?!

Even at STRIKE for the show, one of our lab students ended up giving me his phone number! I don't know how that happened. Maybe it was that "It's the end of show-week, I'm so tired and I haven't showered in a couple days glow" I had going on.

First off, he's an undergrad. Second, I don't think he could be at all discreet, and everyone already knows far too much about my love life. (I was talking to a first year make-up student who I'd never really spoken to before a couple weeks ago and she said "Oh, you're the girl who had that fiasco with the fake boyfriend!" I about crawled into a hole and died. That is NOT how I want to be known) So, it's not going to happen. Sorry, dude.

However, he did say something that kinda hit me like a punch to the gut: "I think you NEED to go out and have some fun, because you might be turning lame."

Me, lame?

I've been called a lot of things, but never lame.

It's true I've been working long hours and have maybe been to two parties all year, but I attempt to schedule regular "fun" times like Tuesday coffee and Friday Happy Hour....

Oh god, I am lame...

I put quotation marks around the word fun.

Although maybe I should take into account that this guy was trying to talk me into going out with him (albeit not very successfully)....I just think I'm past that whole college partying scene....Now we grads get together and get drunk at a bar, or have a a margarita night at a friend's house, sans vomit and super drunk underage girls making bad decisions. That's not lame, that's just smart. Can't argue with logic.

I've also been trying to be a bit more private. Try not sharing every thought and interaction with the world at large....So far, I think I might kinda like it. Before I started blogging I was excruciatingly private, and I used the blog as a vehicle to be more open with my true feelings...but as time passes and things blow up in my face from nothing more than a simple paragraph, I'm feeling less secure sharing the real parts of myself here for everyone to read. I said when I started this that I was going to say whatever I want, whenever I want, no matter what. If I don't have the desire to do that, what's the point?

I am already packing for Utah, and although all the recent attention is flattering, it just seems like a lot of unnecessary work to start something right now.

My friend Nick said I should just do a casual sex thing.
I scoffed and said I couldn't do something like that.
"Why not?" he retorted, "You need to get laid and anytime someone starts talking about being remotely serious you completely freak out."
"I do not!"
Nick just stared at me skeptically from over his glasses.

He sure does know how to keep things classy.

No, I think I'll just stick to my anti-dating stance. Despite how much everyone seems to enjoy my antics, I'd rather have the last laugh this time around.

So, when it rains, it pours, but that's why I always carry an umbrella.

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