"I won't regret

Because you can grow

dirt used to be"

--Kate Nash

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Worst Date/Best Life

Had a date with the Science Teacher....oh...dear....lord.

So he TEACHES middle school, but when he showed up I thought he WAS a middle schooler. On-line he said he was 5'7". I usually like tall guys, but I wouldn't pass up a great guy who was small in stature....Well, he lied. He was MAYBE 5'5" at best. He came up to my NOSE (I'm ACTUALLY 5'7"). And he was dressed in oversize jeans, a graphic tee, and a hoodie. I'm sure it looked like I was doing a Big Brothers/Big Sisters program and I was his mentor....or maybe after I finished my quesadilla I'd have him for a snack. I looked like Andre the Giant next to this dude. It was ridiculous.

Which I could've gotten past, had he been really cool, but he was hopelessly awkward. I constantly had to ask him questions like it was an interview, and it was just miserable.

He seemed to like me. He said I had a great personality and was very attractive--which is flattering, I guess--and he's been texting me...He was a nice guy, so I'll try to be a better version of myself and let him down easy....

I'm done. No more dating. Definitely no more Match.com. It's all just too much.

Six weeks from now I'll be heading to Utah for a summer doing what I love in the mountains. Until then I'll be doing what I love here. I don't need to go on any more dates. No time to be wasted on that. I have lots of work to do this quarter that really excites me, and theater has always been my favorite abusive boyfriend. Right now we're "on-again" in our tumultuous on-again/off-again romance, and I couldn't be happier. I'm pushing myself and doing work I'm truly proud of.

I just wish I could talk to someone who would get as excited about it as I do.

Oh well, you win some you lose some right?

Lately I've been winning.

Ever since I decided that I was through trying to make this fiasco they call dating work for me my life has been nothing but sunshine....literally. It is spring in Cincinnati and the trees are in bloom and the air is fresh. I've been spending lots of time with my friends hanging out in coffee shops, eating great food, seeing really awesome local music, walking around my beautiful neighborhood, painting, reading, having great discussions....This weekend my good friend is coming to visit me from Kansas and I'm so excited to show her around my city. It really does feel like MY city now.

I've been appointed the make-up shop representative for our unofficial grad student social committee (aka, I help plan parties into our busy schedules) and it is a position I hold with pride. Traditions like Friday Happy Hour that I helped start have really brought us together like an overworked, rag-tag community. We drink, eat fried food, and vent all our frustrations. I look forward to it all week.

I'm FINALLY going to go to the theater a few blocks from my house this weekend, and I'm going to stay up all night talking with my friend of seven years, AND I'm going to get a well-deserved pedicure for my tired, blistered feet (those vintage shoes were cute, but they bit me). And maybe some new shoes, too (ones that don't want to hurt me).

Does it get any better than this?

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