"I won't regret

Because you can grow

dirt used to be"

--Kate Nash

Friday, May 14, 2010

Old and New

It's graduation weekend. My Roomie is graduating....

Which got me thinking, Roomie and I have to be the longest, healthiest relationship I've ever been in that didn't involve blood relation. We LIVED together for 3 years, and now we're putting all our things in boxes. Packing it all away. We've kinda been doing that with our friendship, too: packing it up, so it won't hurt so much. It's hard to imagine my life without Roomie in it, we were like a package deal, a two for one....but even twinkies come in single packages now. What is the world coming to?

Joel leaves on Monday. I'm helping put together a little farewell dinner for him. I made two of my famous cheesecake pies and decorated them with blueberries and strawberries. Very Americana, or as Joel would say, "USA! USA! USA!"

And while some friends are leaving, I'm reconnecting with others. Eric Luchen came in town and it was like cold water to the face (in a good way). I'd forgotten what it was like to be around someone who doesn't bullshit. Someone who truly says what is on their mind (maybe to a fault). You always know where you stand with people like that, and I consider my little jew friend to be a very dear friend indeed.

Also, my brotha from anotha motha Marcus and his wonderful red-headed wife Julie came to Emporia for a night of drinking and debauchery. It was super fun. They brought a friend with them who was a combat medic and had two purple hearts. He was funny, and cute, and sharp, until he got waaaay too drunk and lost some of that charm. I thought he was super cool, but when he tried to invite himself to stay the night with me....not cool. Oh well, it was a night full of laughs, and drinks, and greasy food from a truck stop diner....who could ask for more?

And with all the old must come some new.

The MVP and I are still talking. We kissed, once. It was nice, but my mind was somewhere else and it hasn't happened since....He took me to a BBQ yesterday at a friend's house. It was a good time, but I was the ONLY white person there. I stuck out like a really pale sore thumb. I was wearing a pale yellow cardigan over a bright blue tank top from the Gap and had a big flower necklace my roomie got in Paris on. I couldn't have looked more white-bread if I had planned it. Oh, and did I mention my shoes were Banana Republic and had bows on them? Yeah. Half-way through the night MVP pointed out that my regular handshake I do in greeting someone was inappropriate. That made perfect sense as to why all of the handshakes seemed awkward. "Oh dear. I've been shaking their hands normally all night! That's just how I say hello!" He smiled, amused at my faux pas, and patted me on the shoulder. "I know. It's okay." It was okay, but it was weird. The food was amazing. We had BBQ and homemeade mac and cheese, and collard greens....mmmmmm....But I definitely felt out of my element. You don't really notice the cultural differences until you're emmersed in them.

MVP came to the ZOIKS show. My LAST improv comedy show....maybe ever....It was a good show, I felt really on, but it lacked the sentiment I'd always thought it'd have. Up until that point the MVP had only seen me out and about looking cute and acting flirty. When doing improv I'm just another one of the guys, looking ugly and acting goofy. At first I thought he seemed turned off by this, but at the BBQ he kept bragging to people about how funny I was. It was sweet.

Here's the issue: I think that some of the qualities I like in a guy are qualities that usually mean a guy isn't interested in you. (Luchen calls this the Tricia Factor). For instance, I can go 3 days easily without speaking to my significant other. It doesn't mean I'm mad, or anything is wrong, I just have other stuff to do. To me, it's not a big deal. On that same note, I LIKE it when a guy doesn't call me or text me all the time, or when we don't see each other that often. I just don't like to be bothered. When I want to see you, I will arrange to see you, it's as simple as that. I've read "He's Just NOT That Into You," I know that when a guy doesn't call it means it's a no-go, but I LIKE it when someone doesn't call. Therefore, the equation is as such:


See the problem here?

MVP calls, and shows me attention, tells me I'm pretty, compliments my style, shows me off to his friends....all the things I SHOULD want from a guy, but it just tends to make me pull back.

It's something I need to work on.

Out with the old, bad habits. In with the new.

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