"I won't regret

Because you can grow

dirt used to be"

--Kate Nash

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Simple Dating Rules for Guys

I haven't posted in while because I haven't had access to a computer. Sorry, to my devoted fans (if I even have any) I am back in action.

I wish I could say that this past month has been pretty uneventful in the dating realm, but it hasn't, and for once I just wish it would be. So, instead of catching you up, I thought I might give a few dating pointers for any of my male readers.

1. Dress to impress. I know when I open the door whether the date is going to be a success or not. It's not just if you have a sense of style, which is important, but whether or not you took the time to make yourself look good. If you need it spelled out for you, here are some things that are probably not appropriate date wear (unless you are going to an amusement park or something of that nature): tee shirts, cargo shorts, athletic sneakers, ratty old jeans, flip flops, cargo pants, ball caps. Here are some things that are not only inappropriate on a date, but EVER: wife-beaters by themselves, swim trunks (worn as regular shorts), and tee shirts with lewd sayings.

2. Time is essential. The problem I've run into with most younger guys is that they don't know how to end a date. I recently went on a date that started out alright. He picked me up at 7, we ate dinner, and then we went out to the river to chat and watch the sun set. It was all summing up to a pretty decent first date, then he says "Well, what do you want to do now?" Well, I WANTED to go home and decompress, but I didn't want to be rude. We ended up watching a movie at my place until I FINALLY kicked him out at 12:30! The date was OVER FIVE HOURS LONG! That's ridiculous! There is no reason for a date to be that long. I get tired of being "on' after 3 hours. So please guys, give the girl a break!

3. Pay. Guys should always pay for the first date. They just should. If they asked you out, they should pay. I'm an independent, free-thinking lady but I know a gentleman when I see one and a gentleman pays.

4. PLAN. If you ask a girl out, plan what you are going to do. Plan every activity. Nothing is worse than getting in a car and having a guy go, "Sooo, what do you want to do/where do you want to eat, etc.?" Planning shows that you took time to think about what she'd enjoy and that you are assertive and confident. Those are all good things.

5. Don't kiss (or at least do more than kiss, it's only the first date!). The end of the night on the first date is always awkward, but know this: you don't want to make it more awkward by kissing a girl who is not ready to kiss. Unless the chemistry has just been amazing, a hug and maybe a kiss on the cheek will suffice. The end of the night is for scheduling the next date, not for a hot hook-up, so don't force it!

These should be common-sense, but in my experience, they are not, so please, take this to heart guys, and I garantee the next date you go on will be smooth sailing (if that's the activity you PLANNED for the date). Well, as long as she likes you.

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