"I won't regret

Because you can grow

dirt used to be"

--Kate Nash

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Religious Experience

Three months in Cincinnati and nary a straight man in sight.

I guess that's what you get when you go to a conservatory and live in the trendy neighborhood. CCM has me programmed to think "Gay until proven straight" at this point.

Except sometimes I forget.

I recently attended the Theatrical Design and Production (TD&P) Holiday Dinner at a friend's house. The most raucous family feast I have ever been to, complete with flying silverware and correographed dance routines.

The cutest boy in all of TD&P approached me. I had noticed him in the halls before, and he was the Master Electrician on Evita (electrician's are manly, right?).

"Your face looks familiar, are you a new grad?" He asked.
Conversation ensues.

Oh my gosh, I can't believe this guy has noticed me.

And that's when a Mariah Carey song came on.

"Oh my god, I Fucking LOVE this song!" he practically squealed.


I asked around just to make sure, and I was right. Such is my life.

And all the straight ones are coupled up.

Went to a housewarming party for one of my favorite make-up shop grads and there was a cute, smart, scientist guy there....with his girlfriend.....who is also a scientist. He studies smallpox and she studies cancer.


I went to church today. For the first time in years. My roommates all go there and I was skeptical at first, but it is a really loving, open-minded environment. It was actually really nice.

Also I was hoping to meet some nice people (let's face it, most artists, particularly theater artists, can be a bit on the snarky side).

Specifically nice guys.

Because it seems next to impossible to find a guy with good, old-fashioned manners these days. Believe you me, I never thought I'd be man-hunting in a house of God, but prayer just doesn't seem to be enough these days.

And there he was. He was wearing Italian-style dress shoes, a sweater-vest and tie combo, with a TWEED blazer. AND he had a beard. AND curly hair.

Oh, man! I thought, Why didn't I wear a dress!? At least I wore my cute riding boots, that has to count for something....

And then I thought: Wait a minute. Impeccable dresser? Probably gay.

Just when I thought all hope was lost, the heaven's opened up and smiled upon me as I realized: I'm in an ANGLICAN CHURCH which means, odds are he's STRAIGHT!

Thank you, Jesus.

We didn't talk, but I heard he's shy, so I look forward to attending church again.

And did I mention his last name is "Knight"? He could literally be my "Knight" in shining patent leather dress shoes!

Can I get an "Amen"!?

Everything will have to wait until after the Holidays, because on Saturday I'm shipping out to good ole Kansas for a 3-week visit. I can't wait to see all my friends and family!

And I'll come back to Cinci with me a lot of love and hope for a happy New Year packed in my suitcase.

Sometimes all you need is a little faith.

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