"I won't regret

Because you can grow

dirt used to be"

--Kate Nash

Monday, December 27, 2010

On-line dating

I am one of the more recent members of Match.com

I never thought I'd be one to join an on-line dating site. It's the real deal though, it's also a bit expensive, so you know people are serious.

But really, I like the idea of one day just magically running into someone and that someone turns out to really BE someone. But in the real world, it's not so magical. I run into crushes at the laund-ro-mat when I'm wearing my yoga pants without underwear because none are clean. I run into a cute guy at the grocery store when I've been working on a project for 48 hours and haven't brushed my teeth in just as long.....And the list goes on...Believe you me, I'm a girl who tries to keep up appearances, but does anyone ever see me when I've just come from the salon and had a great blow-out? NO! And it ALWAYS rains when I fix my hair, so much so I might as well become a meteorologist because I can predict a storm better than any radar!

With this experience, I decided that some things shouldn't be left to chance.

So far...meh.

A couple guys asked me for my phone number right off the bat and I politely declined for safety reasons and because I don't keep up with my phone anyway. I love the idea of seduction via the written word. So many people rush into things, but there is nothing wrong with witty banter and building a re pore with someone. There is one guy I'm kind of hitting it off with, but we'll see.

The problem with on-line dating, for me, is that I am extremely photogenic. I am not being conceited, the camera just likes me. In my opinion, I look waaaay better in pictures than real life. This can be a problem, because they see this beautiful profile pic, and the real me is considerably less than expected. This has happened to me before, I believe, although no one has outright said it. No matter how hard I try to show even the not-so-great but not horrifying pics, I always seem to be a bit of a let-down. You can see it on their faces when you open the door.

A friend of a friend recently contacted me via FB and told me I was very pretty. I knew it was my photogenic curse striking again. He wants to meet me, but luckily he lives far away, so I don't have to disappoint him. Especially because he seems, well....wonderful. He's funny and smart, and tall, dark and handsome. And after he chatted with me a bit via FB chat he left me with a "later gator." That's what I always do! It was just...almost like magically meeting someone...but not. I imagine that's what my on-line dating experience is supposed to feel like, but doesn't. It feels more like groping around in the dark for an elusive light switch.

Oh cruel fates! Why must I be so deceivingly pretty in pictures?! It isn't fair.

Is it too much to dream of a guy who says "you're even prettier in person"?


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