"I won't regret

Because you can grow

dirt used to be"

--Kate Nash

Saturday, August 21, 2010

All Work and No Play

Working another overnight.

Overnights are rough. It totally messes up your sleep schedule. You're tired for a couple days afterward, it just sorta lingers, like a fog over your mind. Basically, it sucks.

I'm working 60-plus hours this week. My paycheck better be sweet.

Work consumes my life, so dating has been pushed to the side. Shawn is in Chicago this weekend; I picked up a couple extra shifts.

Cincinnati is my pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

I leave in less than a month.

Two weeks ago, the thought of leaving brought me to tears. Now, I've found a place, I've made a budget, I've got a plan. It's really happening. I'm going to do this for real.

How many people get to live their dreams?

Not enough, I'd say. But I do. I will.

I feel myself pulling away from Shawn. As I start packing up my things, and thinking about this new chapter, the less he seems to fit into my life. I certainly can't bring him along in a box. Now, I'm not even sure if I'd want to.

It's the same thing that happens to me everytime. I dive right in, and after a while I start to feel like I'm sinking and he is the anchor. Does everyone feel this way, or is it just me?

The good thing about being in a relationship is that it reminds me how much I like to be single.

Maybe some things never change.

It looks like I sure won't.

One of my friends got me in contact with a friend of his who lives in Cincinnati and goes to UC. He's offered to show me around. At least I'll have a guide in this unfamiliar city.

Also, he's kinda cute.

Yep, same old Tricia, different location.

I guess I wouldn't have it any other way.

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