"I won't regret

Because you can grow

dirt used to be"

--Kate Nash

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Thinking about updating more frequently....As I said before I am positively bubbling over with words!

And prospects.

I'd pretty much given up on Match.com but then sooo many people started contacting me. A handful of them are actually worth following up on as well. Crazy!

Okay, I must blog about my last Match experience since I skipped it what with all the other stuff going on in my life. Remember the guy I went out with from Match before? Who went crazy on me after I unwittingly e-mailed his friend on Match? Well....I went out with the friend.


I know, I know that's just asking for trouble, but I wanted to go out.

In the meantime I decided, because apparently I am old-school bananas, to get a Brazilian wax. One of the girls in the make-up shop is an aesthetician and she gave me a sweet deal, and I'd always been curious, so I thought....Why not?

Oh, and did I mention this is the NIGHT BEFORE my date with this guy?

I THOUGHT it would make me feel really sexy for my date, but when I was icing my crotch with a bag of broccoli in my cute date dress I thought differently.

So I'm at this loud jazz club with Jazz Hands (we call him Jazz Hands because he is getting his masters in jazz studies) where I have to shout to converse and my who-ha feels like it's going to FALL OFF and I've been at the school long hours working so I'm ridiculously tired and keep yawning (which makes me look really attractive and interested)....And THEN Jazz Hands asks me about his friend; what I thought of him and such! How awkward is that?! What do you say?

I tried to be as polite as possible and said something about not really knowing him but he seems like a nice guy....Ugh.

Fast forward to finals week before spring break and it is make-up class finals and my make-up less face is red and broken out from the marathon beating it's been taking and my hair is in a wig cap so I look like a complete weirdo....I decide to venture up to the atrium to get a grilled cheese on my break and who walks through the atrium just then but JAZZ HANDS? I turned away and kind of hid behind the other person waiting in line like a pathetic girl from a bad rom com, but I'm sure he saw me. The ONE TIME I'm not all put together and look like a freak of nature.....Oh, well. Such is my life!

Anyway, I am currently setting up a date with a middle school science teacher who seems nice. We'll see how it goes.

I'm also chatting with an engineer who I thought seemed really, really promising until he said he liked the movie Sucker Punch. To be fair, I haven't seen it, and if the worst thing about him is that he likes bad movies I guess it's not the end of the world....

I can't decipher the nationality or pronounce the name of a guy on Match who works in finance, but I guess it'll be like a surprise!

The guys who work at Habanero, the restaurant just a block from my house, always flirt with me. One was particularly adorable. He said "Well, if you need something, or anything, you know, with your chips, or some salsa, or you know, whatever, come back by and see me." As he smiled shyly.

And to think I was wearing my yoga pants and barely had any make-up on because I was going for a walk (although I'm pretty sure getting the amazing fried tortilla chips and guacamole from that place after exercise is counterintuitive)!

And of course there's Law School. Talking to him brightens my day. I'm sure it could be great, but he lives in California and I just DON'T want to go down that road. So I'm trying to keep things surface....friendly...

In fact, I want to keep all of them light. I want to date them all and not worry about narrowing it down to one. I want to see what's out here in Cincinnati. I want to laugh and have dinner bought for me.

I just can't do more. The thought of telling someone all my secrets, my hopes, my fears feels....daunting. I just don't have the room to let someone truly into my life right now. Not now when I'm feeling so much like myself again. I can't afford to lose my way.

So I won't. I have a path. I have a major design to work on that inspires me (maybe I'm a nerd but when a director uses terms like Brechtian and Dickensian I get all excited). I have an awesome summer job in the mountains of Utah doing what I love. And, most importantly, I have a new pair of hiking shoes (really, I just bought them today for working backstage) in case the path gets rough.

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