"I won't regret

Because you can grow

dirt used to be"

--Kate Nash

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Black and White

So the MVP has been texting me a lot lately. The problem is, he never tries to make concrete plans to meet, he just wants to text chat all the time and if you know me you know I'm not all that into the phone. Plus he's from Uganda which is totally hot (I'm talking Djimon Honnossu--I'm sure I didn't spell that right, but it's the actor from Blood Diamond--dark-skinned African hot), but it also means he uses a lot of ebonics and I don't understand it half the time, I just pretend like I do and move on. He's a snappy dresser, though. AND he gives me lots of attention. He's always calling me pretty and interesting and asking about my day. My friend Beardy vouched for him and I trust his opinion. He seems like a nice guy and he's even (surprisingly, for someone so athletic) in the arts. He's a graphic arts major. Sounds great for my last couple of months in KS, huh? I mean, as long as he doesn't catch on to the fact that I don't know what he's saying....

So we went out for Katie's birthday last night and I invited the MVP and Glass Guy. Playing with fire, I know, but I seriously didn't think GG would show up.

And he did.

I know I really kinda like him because whenever he walks in the room I feel like I'm going to throw up for about 5 seconds. It sounds like a bad thing, but my stomach just flips so hard it literally makes me nauseous. It brings a whole new meaning to "that guy makes me want to vomit."

Luckily I got a text from the MVP saying he couldn't make it. Of course a text, because god-forbid we see each other face to face and have a real conversation....

Whew. That was a close one.

On the other hand Glass Guy has had my number for several days now and has yet to utilize it. He keeps showing up, though. That has to be a good sign, right?

We played couples pool. I've never played couples anything and it was quite fun.

I know it's supposed to be romantic that whenever we hang out it's like we're the only two people there but I'm starting to feel like I'm missing out on what goes on around me. It's like when a mentally unstable person blacks out and all of a sudden they snap out of it and don't know where they are. It's kinda disconcerting. Like, "what just happened?" (don't worry, I'm not committing any heinous crimes during these blackouts.....that I know of...)

I was feeling sorta brave and so I thought I might ask him to go to my Roomie's last show with me. Then he dropped the bomb: I don't really like theater. Wow. Just like that. I think he could tell I didn't like that because he started backtracking. "It's nothing personal. I'm sure you're great. Maybe I can go...we'll see...What about your step-dad's show? I bet I would like that...When is that?"

I almost fell off my chair.

He WANTS to go to my step-dad's concert? My MOM will be there, and ALL of her friends. Usually I would say no way, no how to this, but I only have a few months left so I thought "what the hell?"

Luckily I think he has to work.

Whew. Another close one.

So at the end of the night he walks me home and he even lets me borrow his jacket because it's cold and then there we are again. On my front stoop. Feeling really awkward.

Please let him kiss me, I thought. Or I bought that third drink for no reason....

He went in for the hug again so I thought I'd be super smooth and give him a little kiss on the cheek to show I was interested, but something went awry and my hair got in the way so I ended up with a mouth full of hair and feeling even more awkward.

That's our MO, everything is great until we get to my front stoop and BAM! We're transported to Awkward-ville. Population: 2.

Katie called me today: "How did your night end?"

"I kissed my hair."

Katie laughed about it all day. At least I made her laugh on her birthday....

I just wish we could get this whole kiss thing outta the way. It makes me almost as awkward as he is.

The MVP just texted me and he wants to hang out tonight. Gasp!

I don't know how I'm going to do this juggling two guys thing. I'm no Katie. It doesn't come naturally me.

Which would you choose?

Black as midnight, athletic, super smooth, attention showering, graphic artist


Hitler's Aryan Army look-alike, tall, awkward, sweet, gives me butterflies, glass blower?

Black or White?

Black AND White?

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