"I won't regret

Because you can grow

dirt used to be"

--Kate Nash

Friday, April 30, 2010


I need a sign.

The MVP and I ave gone on a couple little "dates" this week.

First we went out to the Dirty30 to have a couple of drinks, for Katie's birthday....again.

He was great to talk to, he complimented my style, told me I was pretty, and made my life a whole lot more complicated. Why couldn't he have just sucked to hang out with? That would have made the decision much easier, because I'm just not the kinda girl that can do the "dating multiple guys" thing.

Glass Guy was in Topeka blowing glass, of course, so I asked the MVP to go to my Roomie's show with me instead. He agreed in an instant, no hesitation. The show was terribly long and a bit dull, but the acting was good. MVP never ONCE complained and at the end of the night he said that the best part was getting to hang out with me. AWWWWW....

The thing I like about the MVP is that he's from a different country and I feel as if I'm always learning something about another culture. I'm like Sigourney Weaver in Out of Africa.

The problem is, I think he's a bit too sweet for me. It's not that I want an asshole I just want someone who can really dissect a play with me and keeps me guessing a bit.

As I was hanging out with MVP at his house watching Office Space (he has good taste in comedy) and he was playing with my hair (something I love) I realized: I want Glass Guy.

Well, I really realized it during the play when that guy we messed with at the party had a bit part in it. I wanted to text him our little inside joke. It's a bad sign to be thinking of someone else whilst on a date, right?

Glass Guy, the socially awkward, self-proclaimed lone wolf.

The thing is, he's not awkward with me (except on my front stoop but the blame goes to both of us on that one). I just need a sign. A sign as to whether or not he really is interested in me. I don't want to blow off a nice guy like the MVP who clearly wants to date me and will treat me really nice if I'm just wasting my time.

A kiss would do the trick.

But really any sign will do.

I've been scanning the radio trying to see what songs move me, I've been scouring facebook for clues, and I end up feeling just as ridiculous as an M. Night Shamylan movie.

Please, send me a sign.

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