"I won't regret

Because you can grow

dirt used to be"

--Kate Nash

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Dumbest Thing Ever

I feel as a dating blogger that it is my duty to point out when things that couples do are really, really dumb, and today, I saw, I kid you not: THE DUMBEST THING EVER!

(cue dramatic music)

Actor Ex and his gf "kissed and made up" via somber song lyric facebook statuses.


Apparently they had a fight or something, I have no idea, all I know is what showed up on my homepage newsfeed. First, Actor Ex posted some lyrics about begging forgiveness and crying, wah wah, whatever....didn't recognize the song, but I could tell it was a song because it rhymed. At least I hope it was a song and not the lamest poem ever....that sounds like another blog entry: "Lamest Poem Ever." hahahaha

Anyway, so then SHE posts lyrics from Regina Spektor's "The Call," aka the song from the end of Prince Caspian. Basically the gist of that was that she'd come back to him....The shittiest part is that I like that song. I mean, I like that song A LOT, and now it's ruined. Every time I hear it I'll think of their stupid, public display of sappiness and digital immaturity.

I mean, is it possible to talk about your feelings without the world wide web knowing about it? And how about just saying what you mean and meaning what you say? I guess maybe I'm just too old-fashioned, but I like to maintain a sense of privacy.

Wait a minute....

Hi pot, I'm kettle, you're looking quite black today :)

Still, it's The Dumbest Thing Ever.

You gotta give me that.

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