"I won't regret

Because you can grow

dirt used to be"

--Kate Nash

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I hate being right....

Something I am proud to say I inherited from my mom (although not nearly to the degree that she has) is my uncanny ability to be right about things. I don't know why, I just am, and sometimes it really, really sucks.

JUST when I was done with Tattoo Guy he starts texting me again. So I, like an idiot, ignite my little glimmer of hope and start putting myself out there again.

EVERY TIME I suggested we go out or do something he's "busy." He's ALWAYS busy. Whatever. I know what it is to be truly busy and when I like someone I still make time for them. No one's THAT busy.

So, I called him out on it.

After texting him this last time about hanging out I started feeling a bit pathetic. He replied with his typical "I don't know, I'm really busy....blah blah....poor me....blah blah" response. So I just said (via text):
"Look, if you just "don't have time for me" that's fine. I've definitely used that one before and I think it's one of the classier blowoff methods. If you want to hang out let me know, but I'm done buggn you about it."

No response.

I guess at least he didn't make some half-hearted rebuttle.

I am the master of blowing people off and you definitely can't pull the wool over my eyes. You name it, I've been there, done that. Who did this guy think he was dealing with? He obviously underestimated me.

I clearly over-estimated him.

One time, just once, when I call a guy out on their total bullshit I'd like them to own up to it. Why can't people just be honest with each other? They want to be all nicey-nice about everything and I'm tired of it. Grow a pair!

So, I was right....woo hoo....

Sometimes when you hit the nail on the head, it feels like you really just hit yourself.

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