"I won't regret

Because you can grow

dirt used to be"

--Kate Nash

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Desperately Seeking Sexy...


What a complicated term.

It's more than just being a person who partakes in sexual activities; it's a state a mind. A way of living.

Sure, there is such a thing as too much. You can be TOO sexy, but then, might I pose the question: Is it really sexy? At what point does it become trashy, slutty, skanky, etc....???

Where does sexy end, and more importantly, where does it begin?

I have been trying to "bring sexy back" as Justin Timberlake would say, as of late. Somewhere between community college and now I lost my sexy, and I think it's high time I picked it up from the lost and found.

Here's what I've been doing to "reclaim" my sexiness:

1. Tanning. Yes, I know it's bad for you. I know UV rays are harmful and cause wrinkles and cancer, but I have a skin condition (not sexy) so it's actually GOOD for my skin problems (dermatologist recommended, hand to heart) and I ALWAYS wear sunscreen on my face. Plus, it makes flab look a little more fab, and I need all the help I can get!

2. Working Out. I've been consistently working out for about 3 months now and haven't been getting results so I bumped the 3 times a week to 4-5 and I'm increasing the intensity. I feel tighter, but I also haven't lost any weight...hopefully that's fat turning into muscle....fingers crossed.

3. Eating better/keeping a food log. Turns out that when you write everything and every calorie down you can pinpoint what your problems are, plus it makes you hold yourself accountable. My goal is to get 2,000 calories or under every day to fast-track my weight-loss. I'm keeping in mind this killer pair of jeans that I tried on recently that looked totally hot on me....except for the first time in my life I had a *gasp* "muffin top." I was horrified. So, those jeans are my goal....hopefully in the next three months....toes crossed.

4. Writing down what I'm thankful for. It's easy when trying to self-improve to get bogged down by what you don't like about yourself....so I'm making sure to write down at least 5 things that I am thankful for everyday....I do it on the opposite side of each day's food log to remind myself that there is light at the end of the tunnel. There is light at the end of the tunnel, right?

5. Sexy-fying my wardrobe. No, I haven't gone out and bought a bunch of "boobie shirts" and I will never, EVER wear leggings as pants (in fact, when I see a girl in such an outfit, I'm always very gracious and ask her if she'd like assistance in finding her pants), but Katie is helping me not look like I'm 23 going on 85. That means I'm not allowed to buy any more cardigans unless they have something "sassy" about them, aka a ruffle, crochet, NO buttons. No old lady vintage from head to toe (vintage as an accent, not an outfit, aha!), and a little black, a little cleavage, a little sparkle, sexy shoes (but still no heels), and voila! A new, sexier me. Still wearing cardigans and loafers (just not as often) but looking hott too.

6. I bought some sexy underthings. Not impractically sexy, but a lacy bra instead of a plain one, and lacy undies. It doesn't really matter if no-one's going to see them but me, if I FEEL sexy, I will BE sexy. (if you build it they will come) Plus, since I work at JCP a new bra and three new sexy pairs of undies (really all you need to jump-start the sexy....also, in case they're so uncomfy I never wear them...) after all my discounts it only cost me $11.

7. Shine, shine, shine. I'm painting my nails, using lipgloss instead of chapstick, and I dyed my hair darker so it looks ultra-shiny. Shiny is good. Like, "ooo look, something shiny!"

8. Going out, to non-theater hangouts. I know every single person in the theater dept like the back of my hand and it's getting old and boring, which in turn, makes me OLD and BORING. So I'm going out with art kids and social science kids and post-grads and meeting a new crowd. The more fresh and exciting my life is, the more fresh and exciting I will seem to others.

9. Smelling good. I can't afford new designer perfume, and I'm out. I ran out of all my lotions from Christmas (which was good, because those rich vanilla scents just made me smell like a bakery or a "candy shop in vegas" as one of my co-workers said. Not appropriate for this warmer weather), so I used a coupon and bought myself some new scents from Bath and Body. My new favorite scent is called P.S. I Love You Spring Fling. I'm looking for a spring fling, so smelling like Spring Fling seems apropo.

10. Flirting. With anyone and everyone. I haven't really done it in a while, and I'm rusty, so I need all the practice I can get before I leave so I can charm the pants off people (literally and figuratively) at my new grad school. Plus it's harmless and fun.

Dear Sexy,
If you're out there, I'm looking for you. You know where to find me ;)



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