"I won't regret

Because you can grow

dirt used to be"

--Kate Nash

Sunday, March 14, 2010

I Just Haven't Met You Yet

I met a guy. The fates aligned and I met a guy.

Here's what happened. My dear friends Jeremy and Amanda finally got hitched. So all of us dressed up and went out to see it happen. I, for some reason, NEVER like to go to weddings alone. I almost always find a date, or I don't go.

But I didn't have a date, and went anyway. Here's why.

First there was my pseudo phone boyfriend. He said that he might be on leave then and that he would go with me if he was. I know, I know, you can't make your pseudo phone boyfriend into your walking, talking, real-life date, but I tried. Turns out the military extended his stay in Florida, and he hasn't been talking to me much lately anyway. Maybe he found a hotter girl on chat roulette or something.

Then I asked Shawn. Good, old reliable Shawn. My ex from before I started college and a friend of the family (really the only ex I'm friends with). I thought, "I might be moving home soon, I don't have any friends in Small Town, KS, maybe it's time to reconnect with Shawn"(more on him in the future, I'm sure) But he had his wisdom teeth taken out that week and missed two days of work so he had to work Saturday. He NEVER has to work on Saturday but it's been a long winter and its just starting to warm up so contractors are busy again. Nothing was going my way.

So I ended up alone. I probably could've called Joel (one of my best guy friends), he even looks sharp in a suit, but I wanted someone who would at least appreciate the way I looked in that turquoise Calvin Klein dress.

It was a grand time anyway. Katie (one of my very best friends and personal savior) did the pictures and I did Amanda's make-up as their wedding present. As soon as I was done I said "When Jeremy sees you he's gonna bawl like a baby." And he did, and it was adorable. These are two people really meant to be together, and even cynical old me teared up a bit.

I wore heels, had a few drinks, and still managed to dance. My buddy Andrew danced with me for one song and I danced with Jeremy during the dollar dances. Which basically consisted of us hugging. We did a lot of hugging and laughing that night. There was just an overall sense of joy.

Then we went to the blue house for more celebrating. Blue House is the blue house across from campus where some friends of mine live. I've been trying to get away from theater kids and meet some new people but I decided to stay despite my yawning and mild boredom because Emily's (my next door neighbor and good friend/make-up protege) brother was in town. DAVE.
That's the way you say it: "Daaaave!"

Well, Dave showed up with two friends.
One being this tatooed, pierced ex-boxer who teaches history.

I'm usually attracted to guys of a more sophisticated nature as of late but there was something inherently masculine about him that drew me in, despite his glasses and somewhat-nerdiness. He was fascinating to talk to, and I nearly died when he suggested we change the song to something from Moulin Rouge (my all-time FAVORITE movie) and professed his love for Martin Scorcesse (I definitely have a hard on for the man as well. well, if I could have such things).

At one point in the night I remember him placing his hands on my hips. I think he was just trying to get through the crowd but the feel of a man's hands on one's hips can be quite exhilirating.

He definitely seemed interested in me. We sharred witty jabs and seemed to love all the same things. Granted he had a comic book shirt on, but I'm willing to overlook a few things in my hunt for Mr. Right Now.

Then we started talking books. I wouldn't call myself a nerd but I am definitely a book worm. He loves to read. This combination of interesting features had me intrigued, but when we started talking "Catcher in the Rye" I was sold.

Our goodbye was a bit hasty with no time for pondering seeing each other again, but I went to bed with my head filled with possibilities and asked Emily to try and play matchmaker for me. I woke up still in a fantastic mood this morning.

Then I looked him up on facebook.

In a Relationship.

My heart sank.

Yep, that's my luck.

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