"I won't regret

Because you can grow

dirt used to be"

--Kate Nash

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Did you see that?!

He just emoticon WINKED at me!

So I accidentally facebook flirted with Glass Guy today. I didn't mean to do it, it just sorta happened. He commented on my staus, I had a witty retort, and playful banter ensued ranging from talk of magazines to Hitchcock. It was delightful, and unexpected, and not technically breaking girl-code, right?!

It put me in a good mood all day.

There are few things I love more than witty banter, especially written witty banter (which I imagine is what led me to blogging). I've also just had the urge to write a lot lately....it comes in spurts.

The thing is, guys like Glass Guy are not guys that you date. First off, my opinion of him as an awkward snot still stands (however, he is a lot funnier and more interesting than I initially thought). Secondly, there's Annie. If she's still into him, there's no way. Not for a few months of I'm-leaving-so-this-is-going-nowhere-ness. Thirdly, he's a pedestal guy. He's too cute, and ever since I went to his senior show and saw what an incredible artist he is I've admired him from afar. I have experience with making my unrealistic crushes a dating reality, and it wasn't pretty (see Joe Thomas).

Okay, say it all works out. Say Annie's cool with it and this whole flirtation isn't in my head and I manage to be un-awkward enough to pull this off. Then what? We kinda date for a while before I move away? What's the point? Plus, I don't think I have enough time to even get past the stage where I quit worrying about people whispering "what's he doing with that goofy, not that hot girl?" whenever we're out in public. I hate feeling like that. Sometimes I think you should always be, or at least feel prettier than the guy you date.

Or, maybe, I could say fuck it. I don't care how this turns out. I'm having fun. And I AM hot and definitely super cool, and I can get whatever guy I want. Maybe I just need to let cocky Tricia out of her insecurity cage. Because I'm smart, and I dress well, and I write wonderfully flirty facebook messages that are funny and filled with sly emoticons and aloof invitations. Maybe he'll take the bait, maybe not. Who cares? I'm outta here.

I do what I want!

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